Stretching away Stress, soothing the Solar centre

Why we do it

We can help our body find emotional balance, our happy place, with stretches targeting the front of the torso.

How does it work

Stress and tension can be stored in the muscles and tissues of the body and particularly in the nerve plexus at our solar centre, pretty much behind the belly button. We know this because we feel it. Its where the butterflies sometimes live, or we experience that queasy feeling appropriately referred to as nervousness.

We aim to stretch from the solar plexus through the whole front body along the length of the Vegas nerve. This is our longest nerve pathway, travelling right through the front body to the brain. The Parasympathetic Nervous System can now message the body that all is ok in your inner world and the relax responses kick in.

The Benefits

You can do a strong stretch like the Bridge shown here, the camel above, or the simple stretches below; all will bring benefits.

  • Feel calmer, more peaceful and balanced.
  • Benefits for the Digestive system.
  • More space for the internal organs.
  • Activation of the third Chakra at the Solar Centre. where we store and activate our Prana/lifeforce, our energy centre.
  • Control your emotional energies, your power. Your power to create, negotiate and make choices.

Simple alternative stretches

  • Cat Cow arches and hunches. Come on to your hands and knees and inhale and dip the navel toward the floor, and then exhale hunching the spine toward the ceiling. Repeat 3 to 10 times if possible.
  • Camel as in our picture at the top of the page, but simply bringing the hands to support at the waist and leaning back.
  • Full Yoga Breathing. Take a full slow breath, filling up until the abdomen feels expanded, this will probably be something like a count of seven. Release the air slowly, abdomen first, then ribs to the top of the lungs. Try to the same count. Keep your mind on the count: mind and breath together are a very powerful tool. Repeat 3 times or until you feel quiet and centred.

Notice how the stretching and breathing makes you feel quieter, calmer and at the same time refreshed and invigorated.

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