At Introduction level The Yoga Creative, aims to introduce the body gradually to yoga.

We will be working to increase the range of movement you have, to allow stiffness and restrictions in the body to ease and bring you to a place of wellness. Yogic breathing techniques are taught that will assist you with these movements.

The breathing techniques also strengthen your lungs and allow you to breath more easily and fully. When we fill our lungs with oxygenated air we fill great. All the cells and tissues of the body are nourished by the oxygen and we have a natural desire to become more active and responsive in life . It is our aim to support you in your desire to build and deepen your knowledge of the postures and the breath.

The oxygen travels around the body in the blood like the hormones and in this way it is able to nourish your tissues and cells, which provides you with extra strength and energy. Different breathing techniques teach you to bring your attention to the breath, removing mental distractions, enabling calmness of the mind. These are very useful if you suffer from anxiety or over thinking, or are in need a good nights sleep.

Yoga can be your friend in so many ways.

If you are desk bound and a keyboard warrior you may need to develop a stronger core. The centre of our bodies are our core. As the stretches work to improve our core strength our lazy muscles begin to activate and become stronger, so our balance and body awareness also improves. Our strength and general fitness improves.

We can also activate the 7 major endocrine glands via sequential postures. These glands secrete chemical messengers or hormones that travel around our body via the blood. They activate responses in our bodies that benefit our health, each gland having a particular job or function.

In these times where we are living in the presence of Corona virus it is good to know stretches that activate the THYMUS GLAND at the sternum bone. This wonderful gland produces warrior cells that protect and strengthen the immune system.

Improve your vitality as you learn how the 7 main chakras respond to stretch and breath. These are energy centres which we cant see but we can feel and are fundamental in many Eastern healing modalities. Rather like an electrical network running through your body with hubs or energy centres at the junctions. The spine is the major corridor for this system and our stretches specifically target them.

A little outline of what you will be learning

  • limbering
  • classic yoga stretches (asanas)
  • working through the range of spinal movements
  • breathing
  • relaxation at the classes end
  • Discovery of the improvements you can create in your life and how to implement them.

The quite period is rest and repair time for your body. The hormones are now in balance and you will probably be feeling very peaceful. This allows you to return yourself to your life feeling happier and refreshed as well as healthier and stronger.

Enjoy meeting up week by week with your fellow travellers, and becoming part of our beautiful yoga community

If you are seeking a way to improve your health, to feel better about yourself and to engage in life more fully consider joining our Introduction Level Class at The Yoga Creative. After the recommended 8 weeks you may like to move to other classes, or stay with Introduction level as long as you choose.

Over the weeks you will make many amazing discoveries as we work together. We begin to pay attention to our bodies during focused movement, we notice our thoughts during the quiet breathing and relaxation practices. Changes will occur that are unique to each of us.

We take it slowly and carefully as you build strength and flexibility and learn the yoga basics. Working at a pace that suits you, that respects your wonderful unique body and allows it to increase its range of movement while you feel safe and protected. We have a wealth of very experienced teachers holding the highest qualifications in the industry to guide and teach you.

Maybe you have some yoga experience already but have never done an Introduction level series of classes before, or would like to experience one with a Gita focus. This is a great opportunity to refresh and also to discover things you may have missed before, a welcome back to yoga.

Be amazed at what you will achieve and enjoy yourself

Learn Online or in the Studio, or both. Checkout our Introductory Offer of 30.00 for 30 days





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