Welcome New Students, we have classes to suit all budding yogis
All of our classes are suitable for beginner students. Our teachers are all experienced in offering modifications of different poses for beginner students, and more advanced modifications or progressions for the more experienced yogis. However, we find that most students that are new to yoga prefer to start with our introduction program.
Our Introduction program
Our introduction classes run on a 8-week cycle and break down the fundamentals and core poses found in our yoga classes. You can join as a casual but it is recommended that you do the whole 8 weeks. You will benefit from doing the whole program. If you miss a week at any time best of all we let you catch up when suits you! So you can really get your confidence up!
Because our Intro Offer for new students is 28 days of unlimited yoga, you can attend 4 of the Introduction Classes during your introductory period!